Notepad++ comes with syntax highlighting and auto-completion, which are the standard. This article contains information that shows you how to fix How to compare two files. Here are the simple steps to compare the contents of two code files in VS Code. If you are a programmer, you can use it to write your programming code. So naturally VS code is my go-to tool for file comparison. I am using it for minor project development and even as a simple text editor. There are parameters -1 -2 -3 to suppress the output of the corresponding column respectively. The default output has three columns: lines only in file1, lines only in file2, and lines common in file1 and file2. For me, VS Code comes in handy as it is cross platform and I am using it on both macOS and Windows. You can either use the keyboard shortcut for Find in Files, Shift-Command-F, or select the menu option under Edit > Find: This will open up the Find in Files interface within the Sidebar. The function of the comm command is to compare two sorted files line by line.

Even though there are several tools like Beyond Compare, Araxis Merge, etc… which have lot of comparison and merging features, I use Visual Studio Code for quick file comparison during development or otherwise.
Lately I got questions asking for a quick lightweight tool to compare code files. Compare price, features, and reviews of the software side-by-side to make the best choice for your business.